# Test

In order to test code a test framework should be added to the project, since vert.x provides vert.x unit (opens new window), we can add it easily with:

npm install @vertx/unit --save-dev # OR yarn add -D @vertx/unit

# ensure es4x fetches the non npm dependencies
npm install # OR yarn

# Writing test

Writing tests should follow the same rules as any other JavaScript code, a common convention is to use the suffix .test.js to test the code from the base script.

When working with vert.x unit, tests should be organized in suites and a main suite should be used to start the testing process. For example:

import { TestSuite } from '@vertx/unit';

const suite = TestSuite.create("the_test_suite");

suite.test("my_test_case", function (context) {
  var s = "value";
  context.assertEquals("value", s);


# Running tests

> npm test

This command replaces the default npm operation by running the application on the JVM runtime.

Running: java ...
Begin test suite the_test_suite
Begin test my_test_case
Passed my_test_case
End test suite the_test_suite , run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0


In order to run tests using npm/yarn the test script must be present in the package.json:


  "scripts" : {
    "test" : "es4x test index.test.js",