# API Reference
All generated APIs relate to the core vert.x APIs, so for better understanding one should read the vert.x manuals (opens new window) and adapt the manual imports/examples as explained in vert.x interop.
# Vertx
The Vert.x core APIs contain the backbone for writing Vert.x applications and low-level support for HTTP, TCP, UDP, file system, asynchronous streams and many other building blocks. It is also used by many other components of Vert.x.
# Web
A tool-kit for writing sophisticated modern web applications and HTTP microservices.
# Authentication / Authorization
Modules to perform authentication and/or authorization.
# Data Access
Modules for accessing data.
# Monitoring
Modules to work with monitoring tools.
# Microservices
Microservice related modules.
- circuit-breaker
- cofig-redis
- config
- config-consul
- config-git
- config-hocon
- config-kubernetes-configmap
- config-spring-config-server
- config-vault
- config-yaml
- config-zookeeper
- consul-client
- health-check
- mysql-postgresql-client
- service-discovery
- service-discovery-backend-consul
- service-discovery-backend-redis
- service-discovery-backend-zookeeper
- service-discovery-bridge-consul
- service-discovery-bridge-docker
- service-discovery-bridge-docker-links
- service-discovery-bridge-kubernetes
- service-discovery-bridge-zookeeper
# EventBus Bridges
EventBus bridge modules.
# Other
Other uncategorized modules.