Set the classloader to use for deploying the Verticle.
The VerticleFactory
will use this classloader for creating the Verticle
and the Verticle Context will set this classloader as context
classloader for the tasks execution on context.
By default no classloader is required and the deployment will use the current thread context classloader.
Set the JSON configuration that will be passed to the verticle(s) when it's deployed
Set the number of instances that should be deployed.
Sets the value of max worker execute time, in #setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit.
The default value of #setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit is
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Set the time unit of maxWorkerExecuteTime
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Set the worker pool name to use for this verticle. When no name is set, the Vert.x worker pool will be used, when a name is set, the verticle will use a named worker pool.
Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Set whether the verticle(s) will be deployed as HA.
Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a worker verticle
Set the classloader to use for deploying the Verticle.
The VerticleFactory
will use this classloader for creating the Verticle
and the Verticle Context will set this classloader as context
classloader for the tasks execution on context.
By default no classloader is required and the deployment will use the current thread context classloader.
Set the JSON configuration that will be passed to the verticle(s) when it's deployed
Set whether the verticle(s) will be deployed as HA.
Set the number of instances that should be deployed.
Sets the value of max worker execute time, in #setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit.
The default value of #setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit is
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Set the time unit of maxWorkerExecuteTime
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a worker verticle
Set the worker pool name to use for this verticle. When no name is set, the Vert.x worker pool will be used, when a name is set, the verticle will use a named worker pool.
Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
When the verticle does not use a #getWorkerPoolName() named worker pool, this option has no effect.
Generated using TypeDoc
Options for configuring a verticle deployment.