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Class MetaDataService

Factory interface for creating FIDO2 MetaDataService.


  • MetaDataService




  • Manually feed a Meta Data Statement to the service.


    • statement: {}
      • [key: string]: any

    Returns MetaDataService


  • fetchTOC(url: string): PromiseLike<boolean>
  • fetchTOC(url: string, handler: ((res: AsyncResult<boolean>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<boolean>>): MetaDataService
  • fetchTOC(): PromiseLike<boolean>
  • fetchTOC(handler: ((res: AsyncResult<boolean>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<boolean>>): MetaDataService
  • Fetches the FIDO2 TOC for the given URL and process the entries to the metadata store. Only valid entries will be stored. The operation will return true only if all entries have been added. false if they have been processed but at least one was invalid.

    The operation will only fail on network problems.


    • url: string

    Returns PromiseLike<boolean>

  • Fetches the FIDO2 TOC for the given URL and process the entries to the metadata store. Only valid entries will be stored. The operation will return true only if all entries have been added. false if they have been processed but at least one was invalid.

    The operation will only fail on network problems.


    • url: string
    • handler: ((res: AsyncResult<boolean>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<boolean>>

    Returns MetaDataService

  • Fetches the FIDO2 MDS3 TOC and process the entries to the metadata store. Only valid entries will be stored. The operation will return true only if all entries have been added. false if they have been processed but at least one was invalid.

    The operation will only fail on network problems.

    Returns PromiseLike<boolean>

  • Fetches the FIDO2 MDS3 TOC and process the entries to the metadata store. Only valid entries will be stored. The operation will return true only if all entries have been added. false if they have been processed but at least one was invalid.

    The operation will only fail on network problems.


    • handler: ((res: AsyncResult<boolean>) => void) | Handler<AsyncResult<boolean>>

    Returns MetaDataService


  • Clears all loaded statements, both from the TOC and manually inserted. The flush operation will not cancel any in-flight TOC download/processing.

    Returns MetaDataService


  • Verify the metadata for a given authenticator. The MDS will lookup the metadata by the AAGUID. If no AAGUID is known, the result will be null.

    When a statement is found, the statement will be used to verify the certificate chain. A failure during this verification will throw a RuntimeException.


    Returns {} | null

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