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Class GoogleAuth

Simplified factory to create an OAuth2Auth for Google.





Static create

  • create(vertx: Vertx, clientId: string, clientSecret: string): OAuth2Auth
  • create(vertx: Vertx, clientId: string, clientSecret: string, httpClientOptions: HttpClientOptions): OAuth2Auth
  • create(vertx: Vertx, serviceAccountJson: {}): OAuth2Auth
  • create(vertx: Vertx, serviceAccountJson: {}, httpClientOptions: HttpClientOptions): OAuth2Auth
  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google


    • vertx: Vertx
    • clientId: string
    • clientSecret: string

    Returns OAuth2Auth

  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google


    • vertx: Vertx
    • clientId: string
    • clientSecret: string
    • httpClientOptions: HttpClientOptions

    Returns OAuth2Auth

  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google Service Account (Server to Server)


    • vertx: Vertx
    • serviceAccountJson: {}
      • [key: string]: any

    Returns OAuth2Auth

  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google Service Account (Server to Server)


    • vertx: Vertx
    • serviceAccountJson: {}
      • [key: string]: any
    • httpClientOptions: HttpClientOptions

    Returns OAuth2Auth

Static discover

  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery. The discovery will use the default site in the configuration options and attempt to load the well known descriptor. If a site is provided (for example when running on a custom instance) that site will be used to do the lookup.

    If the discovered config includes a json web key url, it will be also fetched and the JWKs will be loaded into the OAuth provider so tokens can be decoded.


    Returns PromiseLike<OAuth2Auth>

  • Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery. The discovery will use the default site in the configuration options and attempt to load the well known descriptor. If a site is provided (for example when running on a custom instance) that site will be used to do the lookup.

    If the discovered config includes a json web key url, it will be also fetched and the JWKs will be loaded into the OAuth provider so tokens can be decoded.


    Returns void

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